Sunday 18 March 2012

Kony 2012 Social Movement

One of the stories I have been fascinated with in the past couple of weeks is the "Joseph Kony 2012". The social movement which literally went viral online overnight was amazing to see. After watching the video myself, I admit I was determined to do my part and repost this video to all of my friends and raise awareness. However, after reading all of these reviews which question the video's motives and aim I would like to know the truth about the cause so I have been reading a few articles.

Here are some links which I found interesting..

There are so many questions circling this topic, it is incredible.
I think one of the main reasons I am so amazed by this story is because it really highlights the power of social media in this century and how effectively people can spread a message if they feel a passion or a dedication to the cause. If you have been living under a rock, make sure you watch the video "Kony 2012" or read about the cause for yourself!

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