Tuesday 13 March 2012

Journalism- Lecture 1- Introduction to Journalism and Communication

I had my first lecture for the course Journalism and Communication on the 27th of February. We started off the lecture with some interesting quotes about journalism and explanations about what these quotes mean. For example like the picture above.
 One quote which I found really insightful and inspiring was

 " Journalism can never be silent: that is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault. It must speak, and speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder, the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are still in the air" by Henry Anatole Grunwald.

 I liked this quote because I think it encapsulates the characteristics of journalism in powerful words. 

After looking at multiple quotes like the one above, we then discussed the importance of technology on journalism and how news is turning into entertainment. 

Following this, we looked through the different pieces of assessment required for this course and the course outline, which was a little overwhelming but still helpful. To end the lecture, we watched a clip on Ron Burgundy which was very clever in my opinion.  

In Lecture 1, I learnt the structure of the course and what I will be doing each week and where I am headed for my assessment. My first impressions of the course was that it is interesting and laid-back which I am excited about. 

The main reason I chose this to do journalism was because I wanted to dabble in all different subjects in my Arts degree and this course looked very interesting and fun. 

I have always been interested in the different types of media and how they are presented so I thought this course would be perfect!!

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