Sunday 10 June 2012

A real world example of news values and agenda setting!

Hello everyone!

I am sorry I haven't blogged anything in a while, I have been very busy with university assessment and planning holidays!

Today I wanted to share with my readers a really interesting article which I think exemplifies the concepts of agenda setting and news values.

This article, published in The Australian media section on the website, describes how channel 9, a free-to-air broadcasting channel deciding to not air the final of the French Open but instead wants to air the finale of the show The Voice. Their reasons for this is because the Voice has higher ratings and it is not in their best interest to air half a game.

In relation to this article relating to the content we learned about agenda setting and news values is that channel 9 has clearly chosen a show which will make them the most money out of advertisements and highest ratings. Furthermore, the Voice has news values which are evidently, more important to them as a company rather than the French Open final.

I thought this article was interesting to see how the concepts learnt in the lectures and tutorials are played out in a real-life example by a high profile broadcasting company.

Below is the link to the article to view.


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